
Prof. Dr. Kadir PEKMEZ

1. Electrochemical synthesis, doping and investigation of their properties, TÜBİTAK,
TBAG –963, Yıldız A., Arca M., Pekmez K., Pekmez N., completed on August 1993.

2. Improvement of produced Zinc quality by Lead anode preconditional anodic processes at CINKUR Zinc plant., Hacettepe University Technological Research and Application Division, Project Number: 92/020-13., Yıldız A., Demirel H., Özyörük H., Pekmez K., Ekmekçi Z., completed on July 1994.

3.Electrochemical preparation and investigation of electrochemical properties of polyaniline, polythiophene and their copolymers, Hacettepe University, Research Fond, Project Number: 94-04, 007,017. Pekmez K., Pekmez N., Can M., completed on December 1996.

4.Electrochemical synthesis of sulphonated conductive polythiophene,
poly(3-methylthiophene) films, Hacettepe University, Scientific Research Division, Project Number: 02 01 601 009. Pekmez K. , Udum Arslan Y., completed on July 2004.

5. Electrochemical synthesis and applications of conducting polymers, redox polymers and their compozites, Hacettepe University, Scientific Research Division, Project Number: 03 G 081, Pekmez K. Yıldız A., Özyörük H., Pekmez Özçiçek N. completed March 2006.

6. Electrocatalyst synthesis by electrodeposition of metal and metal alloy nanoparticules on conducting polymers., TÜBİTAK-TBAG Project number 106T078 Pekmez K, Fulya Canlı, İbrahim H. Taşdemir., Arife Çalışkan completed on June 2008.


1. Electrochemical synthesis and doping of conducting polymers, and investigation of their properties, TÜBİTAK, TBAG –963, Yıldız A., Arca M., Pekmez K., Pekmez N., completed on August 1993.

2. Electrochemical preparation and investigation of electrochemical properties of polyaniline, polythiophene and their copolymers, Hacettepe University, Research Fond, Project Number: 94-04, 007,017, Pekmez K., Pekmez N., Can M., completed on December 1996.

3. Spectroelectrochemical investigation on copolymerization of aniline-thiophene, TUBİTAK-BAYG, NATO B2 Fellowship, Technical University of Chemnitz, Germany, Pekmez N., completed on July-February 1999.

4. The effect of hydrogen bonding on the electrochemical behavior of amino compounds, Hacettepe University, Research Fond, Project Number: 0201601008, Pekmez Özçiçek N., Veyisoğlu F., completed on May 2005.

5. Electrochemical synthesis and applications of conducting polymers, redox polymers and their compozites, Hacettepe University, Scientific Research Division, Project Number: 03 G 081, Pekmez K., Yıldız A., Özyörük H., Pekmez Özçiçek N., completed on March 2006.

6. Electrosynthesis, characterization and corrosion protection of aniline-thiophene copolymer and composites on steel, TÜBİTAK, TBAG105T377, Pekmez NO. Yağan A., Cınkıllı K., Karadaş K., Abacı E., completed on November 2008.

7. Characterization of modified electrodes prepared with electrochemically synthesized polyvinylferrocene/polyaniline composite films by in situ UVVis spectroscopy and determination of phenolic compounds, Hacettepe University, Research Fond, Project Number: 753, Pekmez NO, Kavanoz M., Şen M., completed on December 2011.

9. Özçiçek Pekmez N., Teker Şen M., Karaca E., Aminofenil)benzimidazol lerin Sentezi, Elektropolimerizasyonu ve İletken Polimerlerin Monomerleri ile Kopolimerizasyonu, Hacettepe Ü. Araştırmalar Birimi Projesi, Proje No: 014D12601001, Aralık 2014

10. Özçiçek Pekmez N., Sariaslan H., Karaca E., “Yumuşak Çelik Üzerine Poli (3-Aminofenilboronik) asit ve Poli (3-Aminofenilboronik asit) Pirol Kopolimerinin Elektrosentezi Karakterizasyonu ve Korozyon Performansı”, Hacettepe Ü. Araştırmalar Birimi Projesi, Proje No: FHD-2016-10513, Aralık 2016

11. Özçiçek Pekmez N., Çolak Özge Deniz, Pirinç Alaşımlarının Sulu Çözeltilerdeki Korozyonunu Önelemede Bis-Benzimidazol, Benzimidazol ve İmidazol Bileşiklerinin İncelenmesi, TÜBİTAK 2209A, 2302,18 TL, Hacettepe Üniversitesi, Ankara, 10.2017-04.2018

12. Özçiçek Pekmez N., Gökcen D., Karaca E., Uğur M., Enerji Depolanması İçin Elektrokimyasal Olarak Elde Edilen İletken Polimer-Metal Oksit Kompozit Elektrot Malzemeleri Kullanılarak Süperkapasitör Hazırlanması, KBAG 117Z340, 289.144,00 TL, TÜBİTAK ARDEB 1001 – Bilimsel Ve Teknolojik Araştırma Projelerini Destekleme Programı, Hacettepe Üniversitesi, Ankara, 07.2017-07.2019

06800 Beytepe Ankara Turkey